Calling all Creatives!
We're curating a collection of Protest Art Postcards to raise funds that will go directly to groups and organizers involved with the Stop Cop City movement. We've created a set of 5 cards and now we're looking to expand the collection to include YOUR ARTWORK!
Artwork Criteria
Owner Submissions Only: The image must be your original artwork. We can only consider submissions sent to us directly from the artist who created the image.
Topic: Stop Cop City! We are seeking your original creation that has been inspired by the movement to Stop Cop City! We also welcome submissions that address the broader issue systemic police abuse (stopping police militarization, defunding, abolition, etc.). We are particularly looking for images that celebrate protest and/or are intentionally created to inspire people to take action and get involved.
Ideal Image Specs: 1680 x 1300 Pixels (300dpi) - If your image is larger and it is selects
Terms: 100% of proceeds will be donated to groups and organizers working directly on the ground to Stop Cop City! By submitting your work using the form below, you are consenting for your work to be featured in our print and digital postcard collection as well as any ads or promotional posts associated with our Stop Cop City solidarity campaign. We will of course give you proper credit for your work anywhere it is featured. If your work is selected for our Protest Art Postcard collection, we'll reach out to you before moving forward with printing!
Artwork Submission Form
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The Power of Protest Art
As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Creating imagery to spread awareness and inspire people to action has long been a major part of successful community organizing efforts. Consider the black panther, for example. In Alabama (1965), the Lowndes County Freedom Organization chose the black panther (an animal local to the area) as a symbol to ensure that Black voters could identify on the ballot which candidates were in line with their community's interests. That imagery traveled all the way to Oakland, California and inspired Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to embrace the black panther as their organization's symbol. Most people familiar with the Black Panther Party (BPP) are aware of prominent leaders like Huey Newton and Angela Davis. Yet, no conversation about the impact of the Black Panther Party is complete without mentioning a lesser know name: Emory Douglas. Douglas was the creative genius behind most of the iconic images featured in BPP flyers, pamphlets, and newspapers. Transforming their platform and politics into eye-catching images had a monumental impact on capturing the attention and imagination of marginalized communities in the US and abroad.